
Celebrity Personal Assistant Jobs The Perks!

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Submitted by: Alexan Lee

Celebrity personal assistant jobs definitely have a lot of perks. As a personal assistant, one can earn about a hundred thousand dollars a year, or rmore, and enjoy an amazing lifestyle. Apart from answering calls, screening fan mail, and planning parties, these assistants are exposed to a very different world and given a chance to live like a superstar.

Celebrities do need to schedule appointments and buy groceries just like everybody else. But, unlike everybody else, they have photo and movie shoots, big meetings, and numerous calls to make. The personal assistant must ensure that all of these tasks get done, letting the celebrity boss enjoy a good life. A good assistant takes care of coordination, accounts, and almost everything that a famous individual might require. Celebrity personal assistants (CPAs) offer orderliness and peace of mind.

Here Is How One Breaks Into This Field:

Choosing A Particular Type Of Celebrity

Rock stars and actors are not the only people who require assistants. One can also decide to help politicians, professional athletes, directors, book authors, high net worth individuals, dot-com millionaires, and the like. Essentially, anybody with loads of money can employ somebody to become a personal assistant. It is best to work under somebody in a domain one is interested in because the more one knows about something, the more he or she has to offer.


Enhancing Skills

Celebrity personal assistant jobs require the candidate to know about everything. Celebrities currently look for technologically competent, internet-savvy employees who can show them how to transmit information from a palm pilot to the PC, send e-greetings, and keep an eye on the finances. So, to work for a celebrity, one must have these skills.

Many celebrities also like to hire somebody with good typing skills, party planning, etiquette knowledge, and gift-buying ability. And most of all, famous people like to hire employees who will not reveal their secrets to somebody else.

Getting Some Kind Of Training

Although there is no formal education program specifically geared to help a person get celebrity personal assistant jobs, one can cultivate several skills by enrolling in different programs. For instance, computer courses, event planning, and household management courses provided by community colleges.

Getting Some Experience

A great way to learn all the skills required to become a personal celebrity assistant is by first working as a non-celebrity PA. One may even discover whether being an assistant is something he or she wants to do or not.

Contacting A Celebrity

Although one might not get to talk to the celebrity, one can get in touch with the agent, publicist, or the present assistant. Even if the celeb isn’t looking for a PA currently, an opening may come up in the future. There are several websites that list contact information and addresses for celebs.

Doing Well In The Interview

A candidate normally has to go through numerous interviews before getting to meet the celebrity. Therefore, it’s important to be patient, honest, and very direct with everybody. Never gush when meeting the celebrity. Be very professional and establish a good rapport.

Finding out about celebrity personal assistant jobs is normally by word-of-mouth, as current employers and PA’s look for new people to share an increasing workload. Apart from this, there also exists the Personal Assistant Agency that specializes in hiring personal assistants for glamorous employers. They need exceptionally tactful and motivated people who can handle all sorts of high-pressure circumstances.

About the Author: If you are interested in celebrity Personal Assistant Jobs, join the Celebrity Personal Assistant Network online. Follow


to learn more.



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