
How Each Color Affect The Feeling And Apply It To Life (1)

How Each Color Affect the Feeling and Apply It to Life (1)


Stacy Parker

As we stated in the previous articles, the proper use of color can influence mood and perception, like you d better choose a caf for your date instead of KFC or McDonald s. But what can the colors make a difference to each other?

Have you ever pay attention to the color matches while decorating your house? Have you felt any emotional changes while you see different colors? What do you think of each color represents, for example, red, green, and black?

Though in the real-world environments, the effect of reactions to colors are small. But if you use them in proper way, the colors can influence mood and perception. For example, use different colors can create a relaxing corner for you to feel peace and ease, make a small room larger, attract attention to a particular area or thing, or tie different areas together.


To each specific color, red raise people s heart rates and blood pressure while blue lower them, and red is the most attract-attention color. On the other side, red means good luck in China, where it is the traditional color for brides. Green is restful to eye and this color can promotes healing. In Medieval times, green symbolized fertility, which could help the romance factor in your bedroom. Some sports coaches have painted the locker rooms used by opposing teams in pink, which can cause people looking at it to feel tired.

Black is often used as a symbol of menace or evil, but it is also used as an indicator of authority and power, stability and strength. It is a serious color that evokes strong emotions, but too much black can overwhelm people. Black is also sometimes a color associated with intelligence like the black robe, black horn rimmed glasses. And black clothes make people appear thinner.

White represents purity or innocence. White means safety of bright light, creating a sense of space or adding highlights. It is also used to project the absence of color, or neutrality. It s a compression of all the colors in the color spectrum. But it is sometimes described as cold, bland, and sterile. If there s too much white in a room, it will look spacious, but empty and friendly.

Red, as mentioned before, is the most attention-attracted color. It is a bright, warm color that evokes strong emotions. Red is usually associated with love, warmth, and comfort. In China, red is the color worn by bribes. However, red is also considered an intense, or even angry, color that creates feeling of excitement or intensity. Researches show that people surrounded by read find their heart beating a little faster and feel a bit out of breath. So it s definitely not the color for a baby s room but perfect to get people excited or attract others attention.

Blue is one of my favorite color, and as I know, so do many other people. Blue calls to mind feelings of calmness or serenity, describing as peaceful, tranquil, secure, and orderly. Much of the world is blue, like the skies and seas. I used to watch TV series of Arctic Glacier and Antarctica, the ice caves are beautifully pure blue while looking from outside. It s just fantastic. Blue is also associated with steadfastness, dependability, wisdom and loyalty, and people tend to be more productive in a blue room because they are calm and focused, and nearly all sports are enhanced in blue surroundings. On the other hand, blue can also create feelings of sadness or aloofness, and it is one of the least appetizing colors because it is rare in nature, and because spoiled food often turns blue. Red, on the other hand, increases the appetite. That s why many restaurants are decorated in red.

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