- Asheville Website Design
Time is truly our most limited resource. Labor saving inventions have become part of daily life, yet demands our time steadily increases. This is one of the reasons the Internet has become the consumer’s first choice for information. Businesses have responded to this trend by creating websites, but they still face tough competition and the challenge of driving traffic to those sites. One extremely successful technique for increasing the visibility of your business is through engaging search engine optimization (SEO) blogs.
Defining SEO If you have entered the internet marketing world, you have undoubtedly been introduced to the concept of optimizing your material for search engines. But what does that really mean? Search engine optimization is a method of increasing the visibility of your website so people will find you when they search for the products or services offered by your firm. This is what determines if your business will appear on the first page of the search or on the thirtieth.
Every search engine has its own matrix for determining listing priorities, but these are the basic categories:
- Keywords. There are several tools available which help you discover what words consumers use most frequently when they search for information about your product or service. Successful internet marketing depends on using popular keywords.
- Keyword density. Once you have discovered the appropriate keywords to use, make certain you maintain a keyword density of 3-5%. Search engines don’t appreciate “stuffing” keywords and neither do readers. Who wants to read a 500 word article that repeats the same word 50 times?
- Original content. This is one area that is just like your grammar school and college classes; search engines will punish you for “borrowed” work. That doesn’t mean you have to invent the topic, but it must be presented with original wording.
- Fresh content. You can have a great, keyword rich website, but if nothing new is ever added you will drop in SEO ratings. This is one reason you need a blog in addition to your website.
- Backlinks. You can establish links on your website and blogs to news articles and other sources that relate to your business.
Internet Marketing through Blogs
Blogs began in the late 1990s as a type of online diary, a way for you to share thoughts and opinions with others, but experts in internet marketing quickly recognized the incredible business potential. Statistics (Technorati, 2010) show that blogging to build your business is a trend that’s here to stay. For example, almost one-third of the bloggers write to promote business, frequently a business they own. Their efforts are paying off, and almost two-thirds of these entrepreneurs believe their blogs have already given them greater visibility in their industries. The time for establishing your business expertise through blogging has definitely arrived!
Keys to Successful Business Blogging
The following keys will help you successfully improve the impact of your internet marketing through blogs.
- Produce helpful, knowledge rich content. People are more likely to conduct business with you if they view you as an expert.
- Incorporate search engine optimization (SEO) techniques into your blogs so more searchers can benefit from your bits of wisdom.
- Update blogs on a regular basis to maintain readership. Nobody likes stale news.
- Include a link that enables customers to contact your business with questions and respond promptly. This allows you to begin a relationship with prospective customers.
Last but not the least; you must have a passion to make it worthwhile for your business!
Article Source: sooperarticles.com/internet-articles/seo-articles/how-seo-blogs-can-build-your-business-713751.html
About Author:
Trudy Pellicaan is the owner of pellicaanonline.com.au – A leading Internet Marketing Company in Australia that is renowned for SEO Brisbane, SEO Gold Cost and web promotion services in Australia.Author: Trudy Pellicaan