
Romanian Ministry of Communications and IT discusses future objectives

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

The Romanian Ministry of Communications and Information Technology has discussed its objectives for the future in a seminar about informational services development. Romanian Prime Minister C?lin Popescu-T?riceanu, as well as the Minister of Communications and Information Technology, Zsolt Nagy, presented the government’s major targets for the expansion and development of information services.

These include the sale of the government’s remaining shares in telecommunication corporations Romtelecom and Postelecom, the relaunching of mobile phone operator Cosmorom and the maintaining of tax breaks for programmers. Another important objective was the awarding of more 3G licenses to mobile phone operators and more comprehensive online tax payment services. Connex, Romania’s second largest mobile phone operator, launched a comprehensive 3G service this month, and more companies are expected to follow in the future.

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