- Avid New Media
By Cori N. Baker
When it comes to personal security, a Taser and a stun gun are two of the most effective and popular devices that many people use, especially women. These are two different devices but sometimes people mistakenly use the word Taser for a stun gun. Although these devices works with the same principle and they both use electricity to operate, they still have their respective differences.
When you say Taser, it refers to a product of Taser International. Most of the time, this device is what cops, police officers and other law enforcers use in different places. This particular device is the only of its kind that can be used without direct contact. In other words, it can be used even when you are a couple of feet away from the attacker which is the target and this in contrary to using a stun gun. When you are going to stun an attacker using this device, you should have a contact to his body before you pull the trigger or press the button; otherwise it will not work effectively. And unlike a Taser, you will be able to find this particular device in different forms, shapes and manufacturers. This will make it harder for you to instantly choose a good option because when you go for a Taser, there is only one product that has this name.
When it comes to how these devices work, it is also a bit different. When you use a Taser, there will be two metal probes that have about 15 feet long. These probes will be the ones that will be attached to the attacker. Basically, a Taser will not induce pain but it will affect the motor nervous system causing neuro-muscular incapacitation. A stun gun on the other hand does not have any metal probes because direct contact is needed. This device releases a high amount of voltage to the attacker which causes pain. It does not cause any permanent physical injuries but it will affect the sensory nervous system. When stunned, the attacker will lose hid balance, orientation and becomes immobilized. To effectively use this device, you should it on a particular part of the body where high concentration of nerves can be found like neck, hips, etc.
In most states, it is legal to own and carry both devices as long as they will used in a proper way which is for self-defense or personal security. You have to remember that in the event that you have used the device for other purposes and you are caught, you have to face the consequences for your actions. But if you are in the state of Hawaii, Michigan, New Jersey and some other states that do not permit the use of these devices, then you should follow the rules and regulations.
With all these information, you are already aware that these said devices are similar but definitely not the same. So if you are going to visit a store to get a Taser, you will not expect to get a stun gun or the other way around.
About the Author: Cori N. Baker enjoys writing for Beststungun.com which sells
stun guns
mini stun gun
as well as a host of additional products.
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