
Things To Believe And Not To Believe When Going For Hair Transplant Surgery

Things to believe and not to believe when going for hair transplant surgery


James Bose

Hair Transplant clinic London is a term that is overtly populated with patients making it a huge economy in not only London, but all over UK. And the main reasons to why a surgery of hair transplants in London is so popular, is perhaps that this thing works for the better. When hair lines start to recede and patches of baldness are harder to get by. Consulting a hair transplant clinic itself brings about lots of guidelines for a proper hair restoration.

Ancient Greek physician Hippocrates, known as the father of modern western medicine had once proposed that mixing horseradish and pigeon feces together and applying it to the scalp can actually make for fine hair loss treatment, but overtime it turned out to be just a myth. Myths can take you anywhere, mainly perhaps for our quest for making things easier and affordable. And make a thing really work, involuntary myths need that nudge of truth, much like formatting a computer off unwanted viruses. So here lets face the truth about hair loss and hair transplantation.

1.Hair Loss genes are inherited from maternal side


No such evidence proves that, hair loss genes can be inherited from father s side, mother s side or both sides.

2.Advancing stages of male pattern baldness or complete baldness means the man has high testosterone levels.

No. It means nothing, androgen level wise. Male Pattern Baldness means that the hair follicles are dying in the particular man s scalp is being intolerant or sensitive to the DHT steroid formed out of testosterone, but there is no direct connection with testosterone. Now the point must be that, the more the testosterone the more DHT formation, but no. It is not the patent case. People suffering from acute hair loss and baldness may have medium or even low testosterone levels, but their hair follicles overtly sensitive to the DHT secretion, while a man with high testosterone levels can have head full thick wavy locks. The reason of hair loss is its involuntary reaction to the DHT.

Myth 3: Hair falling in larger amounts is the patent sign of androgenic alopecia

Contrary to the popular belief, hair fall and hair loss are two similar meaning different symptoms, the patent symptoms of androgenic alopecia would be gradual miniaturization or thinning of the hair strands along the usual hair falling out and regret phrases that eventually leads to no growth at all, large amount of thick raw hair falling off might be some medical disorder that needs medical attention before thinking about hair restoration surgery.

Myth 4: Accumulating of sweat and compression from wearing hats trigger hair loss and baldness

No evidence. The hair gets its nutrition and everything from the blood circulation in the scalp, and has no such connection with wearing hats for long times, perhaps in the cricket field or such outdoor works and games. However, accumulating of sweat and grime and not washing your hair for longer periods might damage the hair strands to malnutrition, but not the hair follicles, which the true life of the hair.

There is of course much more to it, there can be endless queries one have about hair restoration, hair loss treatments and caring for the hair. If someone is not seeing any signs of why they are having hair loss treatment medications, then a hair restoration surgery might be ideal to consider but given that there shouldn t be any considerations, be if for the hair restoration cost or otherwise, consulting a highly reputed rather than recognized or certified hair transplant clinic is must.

James is a medical journalist based in London, United Kingdom, who writes specially about vaser liposuction cosmetic surgery and cosmetic dermatology and strives to educate seeking patients of the same with proper information and sense. If you want to get more information about hair transplant or fue and fut hair then please contact at Harley Hair Clinic or visit us at http://www.hairtransplantclinic.org.uk

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